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Analog World = A World that is Fading Away

One of the biggest challenges in the process of digitization is integrating the workflows of the old world. Printed and offline documents, phone orders, and cumbersome bureaucracy deeply rooted in the organizational culture. This difficulty prevents many companies from even starting a partial digitization process in the supply chain. However, delaying the adoption of digital platforms is not a solution; it’s taking a step backward. Today’s digital platforms provide end-to-end solutions for all segments in the supply chain, both internally within the organization and in connecting with external suppliers and customers.  


One common mistake that experts caution against is attempting to develop custom digital systems for each organization. While each organization has its unique needs, in external management systems, adaptations can be made. They are designed by teams specializing in supply chain management and are comprehensive and efficient. Additionally, it is important to remember that platforms become particularly efficient when they interface with external suppliers, and all management is done through a single platform since multiple platforms can lead to management failures.  

Unified digital platforms that include procurement orders, inventory management, and logistics center management, order tracking, and timely delivery have proven to be exceptionally efficient, improving results by tens of percentage points. For example, achieving nearly 100% inventory reliability. The return on investment (ROI) of investing in digital interfaces is realized in a short to medium timeframe (depending on the investment size and company’s operational volume). However, as we have stated, in Industry 4.0, not being digital simply means not being.
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